provTraceR - Uses Provenance to Trace File Lineage for One or more R Scripts
Uses provenance collected by 'rdtLite' package or comparable tool to display information about input files, output files, and exchanged files for a single R script or a series of R scripts.
Last updated 5 years ago
3.70 score 4 scripts 190 downloadsrdtLite - Provenance Collector
Defines functions that can be used to collect provenance as an 'R' script executes or during a console session. The output is a text file in 'PROV-JSON' format.
Last updated 3 years ago
3.56 score 2 stars 36 scripts 340 downloadsprovViz - Provenance Visualizer
Displays provenance graphically for provenance collected by the 'rdt' or 'rdtLite' packages, or other tools providing compatible PROV JSON output. The exact format of the JSON created by 'rdt' and 'rdtLite' is described in <>. More information about rdtLite and associated tools is available at <> and Barbara Lerner, Emery Boose, and Luis Perez (2018), Using Introspection to Collect Provenance in R, Informatics, <doi: 10.3390/informatics5010012>.
Last updated 3 years ago
3.48 score 1 dependents 2 scripts 278 downloads